Privacy Policy

This Data Privacy Policy is for the website (“Website”) and has been developed by Innovation Technical Solutions S.A.O.C. (“We”, “Us” or “iNNOVATEQ”) with a view to protecting you, the person accessing the Website (“You” or “User”) and respecting your privacy.

Please read this Data Privacy Policy as it contains important information about how your data will be collected and used.

By accessing and using the Website, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your data in accordance with this Data Privacy Policy.

Any changes to this Data Privacy Policy shall be posted on the Website, so you are encouraged to check this Data Privacy Policy from time to time. Any information collected under this current Data Privacy Policy will be handled in accordance with this Data Privacy Policy. After the changes take effect, all new data collected, if any, will be subject to the revised Data Privacy Policy.

Data Collected About You

By accessing and using the Website, we may obtain data about you, including (but not limited to) your name, company details, phone number and email address, and any other data or information which is transmitted through your usage of the Website.

Use of Your Data

We may use data that is collected about you for purposes including the following:


a. to send you information which may be relevant to you or your business;

b. administrative purposes;

c. marketing purposes;

d. planning, product and service development, security and testing;

e. where we suspect that fraud or unlawful activity has occurred, or may be occurring;

f. to enable improvements to the Website or our services;

g. to request feedback; and

h. to respond to emails, questions, comments, feedback, complaints or other correspondence which we may receive from you.

How We Disclose Your Data

We may share your data with others, including the following persons:



a. our service providers;

b. our staff;

c. our partners, subsidiaries, affiliates and/or associated companies;

d. governmental bodies, regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies in order to help prevent or detect unlawful activity, and/or in response to legal and regulatory requests;

e. third parties in connection with potential or actual legal proceedings;

f. third parties who provide services to us, including archival, auditing, professional advisory, debt collection, banking, marketing, legal, advertising, mail-house, delivery, recruitment, call centre, technology, research, utility, security and other services;

g. where a third party acquires or wishes to acquire, or makes inquiries in relation to acquiring, an interest in us; and

h. third parties in emergency situations and any other circumstances.



We may also use and disclose aggregated non-personally identifying information and statistics to third parties. We are not responsible for the actions of service providers or other third parties using your data.

How We Handle Email and Contact Us Messages

We may preserve the content of any e-mail or “Contact us” or other electronic message that we receive from you. Any data contained in those messages will only be used or disclosed in ways set out in this Data Privacy Policy. The message content may be monitored by our service providers or our employees for purposes including compliance, auditing and maintenance or where e-mail abuse is suspected.

Retention of Data

Data collected about you will be retained for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it is collected or for business or legal purposes. Should you choose to unsubscribe from our Website or other services, please note that your data may still be retained on our database.


Once any data comes into our possession, we will take reasonable steps to protect that data from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.


Notwithstanding the above, you acknowledge that no data transmission can be guaranteed as completely secure. For this reason, you acknowledge that while we strive to protect your data, we cannot ensure or guarantee the security and integrity of any data transmitted from you or to you while using the Website, and any such transmission of data by you is done at your own risk.

Data About Other Individuals

If you give us data about an individual or legal entity other than yourself (“Third Parties”), you confirm that these Third Parties have given consent for you to give such data to us, and that such Third Parties agree to the use and disclosure of the data in accordance with this Data Privacy Policy.



We are not liable to any Third Parties in the event that they did not in fact consent for you to give their data to us.

Applications and Website Cookie Policy

We are not responsible for any applications or cookies stored on your device which may affect your use of the Website.


We may place cookies on your device to enable this Website to work, to enhance your user experience and to improve our services. Some cookies we use may be necessary for our Website to work, while others may be used to help us manage and improve our Website and the services we offer you.


Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your device by websites you visit. They allow the website to recognise your device and store some information about your location and past actions. We may use different types of cookies for different things, such as:


a. Analysing how you use the Website;

b. Giving you a better, more personalised experience (showing content relevant to you and your location);

c. Analysing how you interact with the Website after we’ve emailed you; and

d. Analysing the effectiveness of our interactive content such as videos, podcasts and other media.



By accessing the Website, you accept that cookies may be placed on your website. If you have any concerns or you wish to request the removal of cookies, please email us at the contact details set out below.

Contact Details

If you have any questions or comments about this Data Privacy Policy, please e-mail us at:

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